To continue, here is some of the best stuff I read (online, in English) during 2009. The previous list is here.
Engineering, hacking
Wolfram Alpha and hubristic user interfaces (not entirely fair but still insightful and entertaining).
Donald Knuth: Computer programming as an art.
Two rants related to web programming: on template engines, on database abstraction layers.
Why is programming fun (from Fred Brooks’ mythical book).
Mark Tarver: Hackers and fighters (a bit simplistic, but nice)
Derek Sivers: going back to PHP
Sandbox vs. themepark in computer games
Philip Greenspun: Tips for startup companies
Scott Aaronson: academic stand-up comedy
Feynman on teaching (again, some pages from the highly recommended “Surely you are joking … ” book)
More grad school advice (these are from Manuel Blum)
Ben Tilly: Teaching linear algebra (an interesting approach)
Doron Zeilberger’s opinion on the shocking state of mathematics
The lost art of sharpening a pencil
What to eat on a deserted island
Wikitravel: common scams and basic haggling (fun and useful)
Nutrition science and pseudoscience
Funny: Reddit surprise party question
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